August at Main Street Yoga

I’d like to talk about a very controversial subject . . . .

I love Mondays!

There. I said it. You might disagree . . . vehemently . . . but I feel compelled to speak my truth.

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Why do I love Mondays? They’re a fresh start. For me, every Monday represents a clean slate – literally and figuratively speaking. I have a weekly planner that I keep on my desk. It’s not slate though. It’s a simple pad of paper with the days of the week and perforated to-do list. Here it is. I found it at Target, so it can be yours too for only $5.99!

Every Monday morning, I tear off last week’s page, start a fresh planner page, and mentally welcome new opportunities for growth.  

Last Monday, I woke up hyper-inspired. I decided to plan and schedule all of my workshops through the end of 2021. And, surprisingly enough, I did just that. You can find the full list of events on the Main Street Yoga events page. Registration for all the events is open now. Just click on an event to open its individual page, then click on the blue(ish) hyperlink to register!

For right now, though, I’d like to highlight our events for August.

Reiki and Reading is back! Paula Hatten and Samantha Lee are offering reiki and tarot reading this Saturday, August 7th. Relax and connect to your energy and learn what guidance is in store for you! Appointments are available at 11:00am, 11:45am, and 12:30pm. Register and choose the best time for you!

If you haven’t already heard, Jennifer Toth is back! In addition to offering private reiki sessions, quantum healing hypnosis, chakra balancing, and AromaTouch at the studio by appointment, Jen is also leading Reiki 1 training on Friday, August 13th! Reiki is a safe and effective energy modality that is beneficial to everyone. Reiki rebalances the energy field that exists around and within our bodies. Learn to access that energy at any time for yourself and your loved ones! Become attuned to the healing practice of Reiki in this level 1 training. Register here.

In other news, I have completed my 600-hour Ayurveda training! Whew! What a relief. Beginning Saturday, August 21st, I’ll be offering monthly Ayurveda workshops to help you learn and practice the basic concepts of yoga’s sister science. We’ll start with “Intro to Ayurveda,” which will introduce the fundamental concepts of Ayurveda and teach you to see yourself and the world around you through the lens of one of the world's oldest holistic health sciences. We'll discuss the four pillars of health, the three causes of disease, the doshas, and the maha gunas. During our time together, we will have some fun determining our constitutions - the unique arrangement of the doshas within us - and how we can use that information to create optimal health and wellbeing. Register here.

If you’re thinking to yourself, “This sounds great, but what about some good old-fashioned asana?,” don’t worry – I’ve got you covered. Join me on Sunday, August 29th for “Changing Orientation: Learning and Practicing Inversion Postures.” There are a lot of good reasons to practice inverted yoga postures, but my favorite reason is - it's fun! And most of us don't practice having fun often enough. In this workshop, we'll play around with getting upside down in the safest ways possible. While we'll cover several different inverted postures, our primary focus will be on building the strength and courage to practice handstand and headstand. We'll learn how modify inverted postures and how to use props to minimize the risk of injury. This workshop is open to all levels of yoga students as well as yoga teachers, who can earn 2.5 hours of continuing education credit with Yoga Alliance. Register here!

In closing, I hope you’re enjoying a fabulous summer. Don’t let the back-to-school vibes fool you – summer doesn’t end until September 22nd. So keep playing! 

See you at the studio!
