Yoga and Art

It’s Art Week in Fairmont, and Melissa May’s vibrant paintings are adorning the walls of our studio, which, it seems, makes a really great art gallery. When we hear the word “art,” most of us probably think of paintings like Melissa’s. Sure, musicians might think of music; actors might think of theatre; writers might think of prose or poetry, but most of us think of the visual arts.

So when I was asked to teach yoga Kids Art Day (and subsequently at Fairmont State’s Academy for the Arts), I was thrilled and immediately said yes. But then I started thinking. Why? Why was I asked to teach yoga at art programs for kids? What does yoga have to do with art? Sure, the practice of yoga can make you a better artist (or for that matter, a better teacher, a better mom, a better secretary, a better waitress, a better lawyer, a better whatever you already are), but how is yoga related to art?

And then it hit me. Art makes you take notice. Some art makes you take notice of social issues. Some art makes you take notice of the human condition. Some art simply makes you take notice of color or shape or sound. But all art makes you take notice of something. It takes you out of your day-to-day thoughts and causes you to focus on something new.

Yoga also makes you take notice. In yoga, you take notice of YOU. It takes you out of your day to day thoughts and causes you to focus on the newness in you. Each day we feel a little different; we look a little different; we breathe a little differently; new cells are being created and old cells are dying. In yoga, we pause to notice those changes, which, if we’re practicing regularly, are often for the better.

I find it deeply satisfying to think that as we practice, as we pause our day-to-day thoughts to take notice of our body, our breath, our mind, our emotions, we are creating art. We are art.

I’d love for you to share your thoughts on the subject. Please comment below.

See you in the studio!