This class will run between 75 and 90 minutes. The cost is a regular class pass. If you have your own blankets and bolsters, please bring them. Eye pillows are also recommended; we have a few left for sale at MSY. Dress in layers and bring or wear warm socks.
Restorative yoga poses look a lot like poses you might see in a regular yoga class, but in restorative, the body is fully supported so that there is no effort or stress on the body. Full support encourages complete relaxation of the muscles, allowing the lymphatic system more effectively do its job of ridding the body of toxins and hormonal waste. Free flowing lymph moves infection fighting white bloods cells throughout the body. So even though it might not look or feel like the body is doing very much in a restorative practice, there is a lot of important “behind the scenes” stuff going on. For this reason, restorative yoga is especially beneficial for people with autoimmune issues, people who are receiving cancer treatment, people with anxiety and/or depression, and anyone under an unusual amount of mental or physical stress. And because the body is fully supported, it can be practiced by anyone including pregnant women, the elderly, and those who are less mobile.
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Earlier Event: November 4
Full Moon Crystal Meditation
Later Event: November 11
Awaken the Goddess Within